Fox Canyon GMA

Fees and Penalties Related to SAES Reporting

Charge/Penalty Type  Amount Unit Resolution or Ordinance Notes
Extraction Charge $6.00 Per acre-foot (AF) extracted Resolution 2014-2  
Sustainability Fee * $29.00 Per AF extracted Resolution 2022-05 * This fee is not imposed on any person who extracts, for domestic purposes, two (2) acre-feet per year or less.
Reserve Fee * $20.00 Per AF extracted Resolution 2020-05 * This fee is not imposed on any person who extracts, for domestic purposes, two (2) acre-feet per year or less.
Civil Penalties $50.00 Per day Late Violation exists Resolution 2019-1  
Non-Metered Water Use Fee $12.00 Per AF extracted Ordinance 3.5.1 See pg. 8 of linked PDF
Surcharges – Tier I $1,929.00 Per AF that exceeds allocation by 25 AF or less Resolution 2024-03  
Surcharges – Tier II $2,179.00 Per AF that exceeds allocation by more than 25 AF but less than 100 AF Resolution 2024-03  
Surcharges – Tier III $2,429.00 Per AF that exceeds allocation by more than 100 AF Resolution 2024-03  

Penalties and Interest

(1) Statements submitted after the due date incur a Civil Penalty of $50 a day.

(2) An Extraction Interest Charge of 1.5% is charged for every month the statement and/or payment is overdue. (Extraction charge x 1.5% x month(s) overdue)

(3) A Surcharge Late Penalty of 1.5% is charged for every month the statement and/or payment is overdue. (Surcharge x 1.5% x month(s) overdue)

(4) Any delinquent Non-Metered Water Use Fee obligations shall also be charged interest at the rate of 1.5% per month on any unpaid balances.

(5) Non-compliance with Advanced Metering Infrastructure is subject to a Civil Penalty of $50 per day.

(6) Non-compliance with monthly extraction reporting is subject to a Civil Penalty of $50 per day.