Fox Canyon GMA


Groundwater Management Agency

Public Records Act Request

The Public Records Act Request Form can be used to make a written request for records. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to determine if such records exist in Agency files. Please note that the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et. seq.) applies to writings in Agency files “containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.” The Agency will provide those documents to you, unless they are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act or another legal reason prevents the documents from being disclosed to the public.  Public records may be requested by downloading the PDF form below and returning the form by any of the means listed below. 

We adhere to prompt turnaround time for PRA request responses; we will respond to your request within ten days. If for any reason we are unable to send a complete response within ten days, we will send you a status update on your request with an estimated turnaround time. 

  • USPS. Mail your completed form to Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency, 800 South Victoria Avenue, L#1610, Ventura, CA 93009.
  • EMAIL. Send an email with the scanned completed request form to NOTE: For the fastest response time, submit your form via email.
  • IN PERSON. Bring your completed form to the FCGMA Clerk of the Board at the Hall of Administration.


Download a Public Records Request Form here.