Fox Canyon GMA


Groundwater Management Agency

Project Solicitation and Evaluation

Submittal Deadline September 30, 2023

Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency (FCGMA) is soliciting submittal of water-supply and infrastructure projects in the Las Posas Valley Basin, Oxnard Subbasin, and Pleasant Valley Basin.

The Agency Board of Directors established a process and criteria for evaluating and prioritizing projects for inclusion in Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) updates and for potential funding through future grant opportunities and/or development of fees for funding by basin operators. The purpose of project ranking process is to rank and prioritize the projects on the lists of projects adopted by the Board for the GSP for each of the basins. This will create a ranked Project Prioritization List of projects to be implemented by FCGMA and/or other agencies. The prioritization will be used to recommend to the Board which projects should be included for funding by potential replenishment fees and/or in the Agency’s applications submitted in response to grant opportunities. Additionally, the prioritization will help to inform which projects should be included in future-scenario modeling for the five-year GSP evaluations based on the likelihood that the project will be implemented by the 2040 deadline for bringing the basins into sustainable groundwater management.

The Project Prioritization List will be reviewed, re-scored, and re-prioritized on an annual basis. Updated information will be solicited for projects currently on the list for updated scoring and new projects can be considered for addition to the list at this time. Updated project information and new projects must be submitted by September 30 each year. Agency staff will review updated and new project information and prepare draft ranking of the projects using the Project Ranking Sheet. The Operations Committee will review the new information, draft project ranking, and update the Project Prioritization List at one or more public meetings. The Operations Committee will then refer the updated Project Prioritization List to the Board for adoption as part of the GSP Annual Report approval process.

Project Evaluation Instructions and Forms

Complete instructions and forms are available at the following links:

Project Evaluation Instructions

Project Evaluation Checklist

Project Ranking Sheet

Project submissions should be submitted to