Fox Canyon GMA


Groundwater Management Agency

Groundwater Sustainability Plans

Initial Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) for the Oxnard Subbasin, Pleasant Valley Basin, and Las Posas Valley Basin are available for download. The GSPs were prepared in compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The Fox Canyon GMA Board adopted the GSPs at a public hearing on December 13, 2019. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) approved the GSPs for the Oxnard and Pleasant Valley Basins on November 22, 2021, and the Las Posas Valley Basin on January 13, 2022.

Groundwater Sustainability Plan Annual Reports


Technical Background Presentations on Groundwater Conditions

This two-part video series provides a plain-language overview of the aquifers and flow of groundwater in the Las Posas Valley Basin, Oxnard Subbasin, and Pleasant Valley Basin. They are presented by Dr. Jill Weinberger, Principal Hydrogeologist with Dudek, who was a lead member of the team that prepared the Groundwater Sustainability Plans.

The videos, linked below, will each open in a new window. The OPV-focused video is the first video in the series; the LPV-focused video is the second.

Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part from the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 (Proposition 68) and through an agreement with the State Department of Water Resources.

5-Year GSP Evaluations

Latest Workshop: OPV 5-Year GSP Evals - Technical Discussion 5/30/24

Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency held a technical workshop in support of the ongoing 5-Year Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Evaluation process in the Oxnard and Pleasant Valley Basins. The  workshop was a deeper dive into the data and process being used for the evaluations, as requested by stakeholders during the Q&A portion of the April 5-Year GSP Evaluation Scope workshop series for the Oxnard Subbasin and Pleasant Valley Basin.

Our hope is that this workshop provided valuable context for our technical stakeholders so that they can more meaningfully contribute during the feedback solicitation stage later in the year when the draft is released for review and comment. 

The OPV technical workshop was held on Thursday, May 30, from 8 am to 11 am, at the County of Ventura Public Works Saticoy Operations Yard, Conference Rooms A&B.  The workshop was not recorded, but we encourage you to review the presentation materials and data linked below.

Click here to access the Presentation Materials
Click here to access the data

The data has limited availability – so download now while it’s available. 


5-Year GSP Evaluation Workshops by Basin – April 24 & 25, 2024

In April 2024, Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency held 5-Year Groundwater Sustainability Plan Evaluation Workshops for the Las Posas Valley Basin, the Oxnard Subbasin, and the Pleasant Valley Basin. The information for both workshops was presented by Dudek’s Senior Hydrogeologist, Dr. Trevor Jones. Stakeholder engagement during the question and answer period was supported by Agency staff and Dr. Jill Weinberger, Principal Hydrogeologist with Dudek.

Each workshop presented an overview of the GSP, the 5-year evaluation scope and process, the numerical modeling being performed to support the 5-year evaluation, next steps, and opportunities for stakeholder involvement. At the start of both sessions, Agency Interim Executive Officer, Arne Anselm, reminded the audience that 5-Year Evaluations are not conducted with the intent of creating entirely new plans, but of revising and updating the submitted GSPs.

Please note that these workshops were held in-person only, with no remote attendance opportunity. Videos of both workshops, along with links to their respective presentation materials, are posted below; we encourage you to review the data presented and the insightful feedback we’ve received from stakeholders for each basin. 


Oxnard & Pleasant Valley Basins (OPV): Wednesday, 4/24/24, from 5:30 – 8 pm

Las Posas Valley Basin (LPV): Thursday, 4/25/24, from 5:30 – 8 pm


Ventura County Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 800 S. Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93009

OPV 5-Year GSP Evaluation Workshop - April 24, 2024

On 4/24/24, FCGMA held a  5-Year GSP Evaluation Workshop for the Oxnard Subbasin and the Pleasant Valley Basin. The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires periodical evaluation of GSPs at least every 5 years. The workshop was a follow-up to the August 30, 2023, 5-Year GSP Evaluation Kickoff Workshop and was designed to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on the progress and contents of the 5-Year OPV GSP Evaluation as it develops. 

OPV Materials: Modeling and Projects Workshop Presentation (PDF) 
Video of 4/24/24 OPV Workshop, including Q&A with Stakeholders:

LPV 5-Year GSP Evaluation Workshop - April 25, 2024

On 4/25/24, FCGMA held a  5-Year GSP Evaluation Workshop for the Las Posas Valley Basin per SGMA requiring an evaluation of GSPs at least every 5 years. The workshop was the second in this follow-up series (the first being focused on OPV, as noted above) designed to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide feedback on the progress and contents of the 5-Year LPV GSP Evaluation as it develops.

LPV Materials: Modeling and Projects Workshop Presentation (PDF) 
Video of 4/25/24 LPV Workshop, including Q&A with Stakeholders:

FCGMA Project Solicitation

Submittal Deadline September 30, 2023

Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency (FCGMA) is soliciting submittal of water-supply and infrastructure projects in the Las Posas Valley Basin, Oxnard Subbasin, and Pleasant Valley Basin.

The Agency Board of Directors established a process and criteria for evaluating and prioritizing projects for inclusion in Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) updates and for potential funding through future grant opportunities and/or development of fees for funding by basin operators. The purpose of project ranking process is to rank and prioritize the projects on the lists of projects adopted by the Board for the GSP for each of the basins. This will create a ranked Project Prioritization List of projects to be implemented by FCGMA and/or other agencies. The prioritization will be used to recommend to the Board which projects should be included for funding by potential replenishment fees and/or in the Agency’s applications submitted in response to grant opportunities. Additionally, the prioritization will help to inform which projects should be included in future-scenario modeling for the five-year GSP evaluations based on the likelihood that the project will be implemented by the 2040 deadline for bringing the basins into sustainable groundwater management.

The Project Prioritization List will be reviewed, re-scored, and re-prioritized on an annual basis. Updated information will be solicited for projects currently on the list for updated scoring and new projects can be considered for addition to the list at this time. Updated project information and new projects must be submitted by September 30 each year. Agency staff will review updated and new project information and prepare draft ranking of the projects using the Project Ranking Sheet. The Operations Committee will review the new information, draft project ranking, and update the Project Prioritization List at one or more public meetings. The Operations Committee will then refer the updated Project Prioritization List to the Board for adoption as part of GSP Annual Report approval process.

Complete instructions and forms are available at the following links:

Project Evaluation Instructions

Project Evaluation Checklist

Project Ranking Sheet

Project submissions should be submitted to

Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley Basin GSP

The Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (ASRVBGSA) and Fox Canyon Groundwater Management Agency (FCGMA), are jointly developing a groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) for the Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley Groundwater Basin (ASRVGB) pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The draft GSP is available for review and commentary. You may submit any comments on the Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley Basin GSP to FCGMA via our main email, listed above.  For more information or to view the GSP please visit the ASRVBGSA website.