Fox Canyon GMA

Confirmation and Correction of WMID Information

The LPV Judgment requires each Water Right Holder to confirm or correct its WMID information set forth in the LPV Adjudication Exhibit C: Groundwater Allocation Schedule: “On or before August 1, 2023, each Water Right Holder shall send a written notice to Watermaster, which all be attested under penalty of perjury, that shall either: (i) confirm that the information set forth in the Groundwater Allocation Schedule pertaining to the WMID(s) assigned to them is true and correct to the best of their knowledge; or (ii) identify any errors regarding such information and how the information should be corrected.”  (LPV Judgment, § 4.3.1.)  Requested corrections are subject to contest by any LPV Adjudication party and investigation by the Watermaster.  (LPV Judgment, § 4.3.1.) 

Failure to confirm or correct WMID information prohibits a Water Right Holder from using groundwater: “No Water Right Holder may Use Groundwater during the 2023 Water Year or thereafter until the aforementioned notice is submitted to the Watermaster.”  (LPV Judgment, § 4.3.1.)

Exhibit C: Groundwater Allocation Schedule

WMID Notice of Confirmation Form