The LPV Judgment requires each Water Right Holder to confirm or correct its WMID information set forth in the LPV Adjudication Exhibit C: Groundwater Allocation Schedule: “On or before August 1, 2023, each Water Right Holder shall send a written notice to Watermaster, which all be attested under penalty of perjury, that shall either: (i) confirm that the information set forth in the Groundwater Allocation Schedule pertaining to the WMID(s) assigned to them is true and correct to the best of their knowledge; or (ii) identify any errors regarding such information and how the information should be corrected.” (LPV Judgment, § 4.3.1.) Requested corrections are subject to contest by any LPV Adjudication party and investigation by the Watermaster. (LPV Judgment, § 4.3.1.)
Failure to confirm or correct WMID information prohibits a Water Right Holder from using groundwater: “No Water Right Holder may Use Groundwater during the 2023 Water Year or thereafter until the aforementioned notice is submitted to the Watermaster.” (LPV Judgment, § 4.3.1.)
Exhibit C: Groundwater Allocation Schedule
WMID Notice of Confirmation Form