Fox Canyon GMA

Water Year 2023 Basin Assessments

On December 15, 2023, the Watermaster approved a Basin Assessment for Water Year 2023-24 (WY2023).  Unlike FCGMA fees, Basin Assessments are based on a Water Right Holder’s Annual Allocation rather than the amount of groundwater extracted during a reporting period.  The amount of the WY2023 Basin Assessment is $64/AF of Allocation and was to be invoiced in two equal installments ($32/AF). The first installment was invoiced the week of March 4 and was due by April 5, 2024 (Due Date). Installment payments not received within a month of their respective Due Date are considered delinquent and shall bear interest at the current real property tax delinquency rate for Ventura County per the Judgment.

Water Year 2023 Basin Assessment Update

The Watermaster will not invoice a second Basin Assessment for Fiscal Year 2023-24. On June 26, 2024, LPV Watermaster adopted Resolution 2024-4 cancelling the second installment of the Basin Assessment for Fiscal Year 2023-24, following a recommendation from the Agency’s Fiscal Committee that the Watermaster cancel the invoicing and collection of the second installment.

Notice of 23-1 Basin Assessment

Notice of 23-1 BA for Mutual Water Companies and Mutual Exclusive Shareholders

List of Delinquent 23-1 Assessment Invoices

WY 2023 Allocation Calculations