Área de gestión de tierras de Fox Canyon

El Ley de Gestión Sostenible de las Aguas Subterráneas (SGMA) requiere evaluación periódica de Planes de sostenibilidad de las aguas subterráneas (GSP)) at least every 5 years. FCGMA developed first Periodic Evaluation documents for its GSPs for each basin: Las Posas Valley (LPV), Oxnard Subbasin, and Pleasant Valley (PV), following the Mejores prácticas recomendadas por el Departamento de Recursos Hídricos de California (DWR).
The Periodic Evaluations were submitted to DWR by their deadline of January 13, 2025 (exactly 5 years after the Groundwater Sustainability Plans were submitted, which is why this iteration of periodic evaluations has often been referred to as “5-Year GSP Evaluations”). The Periodic Evaluations will be available on the Portal SGMA del DWR within 20 days of submittal; DWR posting of the evaluations will initiate 75-Day public comment periods.

Submitted Periodic Evaluations

Each Basin links to a PDF of its submitted Periodic Evaluation.


Date Submitted to DWR

Date Posted by DWR

End of Public Comment Period

Valle de Las Posas




Valle agradable




