Área de gestión de tierras de Fox Canyon

Allocation Basis and Determination of Annual Allocations

The Groundwater Allocation Schedule sets forth an Allocation Basis for each Landowner pursuant to which Annual Allocations are determined. The amount of each Water Right Holder’s Annual Allocation(s) depends, in part, on the Operating Yield in effect in any Water Year. Anexo D sets forth the protocols and formulas to be used to quantify each Water Right Holder’s Annual Allocation, as well as an example calculation to illustrate the application of such protocols and formulas. Watermaster, following Committee Consultation, shall annually calculate the Annual Allocations using the protocols and formulas set forth in Anexo D (the “Annual Allocations Calculation”) and shall publish the Annual Allocations Calculation in a chart to be included within the Annual Report and maintained on the FCGMA website. The Operating Yield may be adjusted year to year to ensure Sustainable Groundwater Management of the Basin consistent with Water Code Section 10737.8. Because Annual Allocations are tied to the Operating Yield pursuant to the protocols and formulas set forth in Anexo D, as the Operating Yield decreases or increases, the Annual Allocations will adjust concurrently (Judgment § 4.2).

The initial Operating Yield will be 40,000 AFY through at least Water Year 2024 (Judgment